Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Second Amendment


Brandy Act Checks Nix 136,000 Gun Buys in 2002

Constitutional Connection

Second Amendment
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


In this article it explains how a background check has to be performed in order for a firearm from a licensed dealer to a purchaser. This is performed to check and make sure that they have no gun offenses or anything relating to violence with a gun. If they do they are unable to buy a gun legally. With these restrictions less people will own guns legally and the ones that due will be brought to justice hopefully.

This article shows that not every human being is allowed to bea a firearm. These are also rules to the Constitution rules. Even though the Constitution states that a person has the right to a gun dowsnt mean every person can. If the police was to arrest someone with a license to a gun they would be violating that persons rights. However, if a person is taking advantage of the right and demonstarting unsafe actions with their firearm they can be detained.

I feel that this law is helpful but not as efficent as it could be. People break the Constitutional laws all the time but this one results in the killing of many innocent people. Illegal trade of guns happen everyday but with this Amendment people who try to do it the legal way that can't most of the time will give up because they don't want to be in prison again. A world without this law would be corrupt. everybody would have a gun even psychotic people who don't understand when and when not to hurt someone. I feel this is a need Amendment that should be strengthened with the help of the government.

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